Product Review: Lindley Mills Flour & Karen Lynn’s Cranberry Orange Persimmon Bread Recipe
Hey ya’ll,
I know what you must be thinking that I am just obsessed with Persimmons and well it’s true as the Viking in my life had quite a haul of them I have so many to use up plus I love persimmons and well they cook up amazingly nice in a bread.
I had quit baking for the most part when i went gluten-free and lately I have just been eating mostly what I call gluten-light which means I do have gluten but I’m fairly picky about when I am going to have it as I still feel like gluten just causes me to feel bloated etc…and makes it difficult for me to lose weight but I recently tried a flour by Lindley Mills that seamed to meet a lot of my requirements for baking and the one thing that I loved is that this is a healthier product and didn’t seem to affect me like traditional flour.
So let me tell you about Lindley Mill’s they are a family owned and operated specialty flour mill that takes pride in milling 100% organic, non-GMO flour for their customers just like our ancestor, Thomas Lindley did in 1755. Although they are a very old mill, they just recently launched their online site and blog.
I was asked to sample one of Lindley Mill’s newer products that is totally revolutionary. Super Sprout™ is an organic sprouted whole grain wheat flour that has been produced through a proprietary sprouting process to deliver a highly bioavailable flour with unmatched nutritional value and taste.
Their sprouting process greatly enhances the nutrition and digestibility of whole wheat and allows us to take full advantage of the nutrients available in the live wheat seed. Not only does Super Sprout™ digest more like a vegetable than a grain because of reduced phytic acid, it provides a low glycemic load and has a great flavor, making it a preferred option for those with non-Celiac gluten sensitivity and diabetes. Did you hear that I may have found the flour for me that will help me control my blood sugar too and help me deal with my gluten sensitivity.
Nutritional analysis of Super Sprout™ shows measurable improvements in soluble fiber, Beta Carotene, Folic Acid, Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids as well as many other nutrients (learn more here.)
I have to tell you I had not heard of it and this made me sad because I live in North Carolina and they are from my own beloved state but when they reached out to me I was eager to try this product but I never make any promises to businesses that ask me to do reviews because I’m going to be completely transparent with all of you. Smaller businesses that are serving up good whole food for us have to work very hard to get the word out so I am happy to be of help!
So I am excited to review this product because this flour has that sweet, nutty, flavor that many of us crave in our baked good products and it is absolutely delicious! This will definitely be something I buy for our household here at our Lil’ Suburban Homestead!
Karen Lynn’s Cranberry Orange Persimmon Bread made with Lindley Mills Flour
• 1 cup persimmon fruit pulp
• 2 cups Lindley Mills flour
• 1/2 teaspoon salt
• 2 teaspoon baking powder
• 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
• 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
• 1 teaspoon orange zest
• 1/2 cup light brown sugar
• 1/2 cup sugar
• 2 eggs
• 1/4 cup butter (soft)
• 1 cup dried cranberries
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
2. Mix all of the dry ingredients together and set aside.
3. Place the persimmon fruit, sugar, eggs, and butter in your mixing bowl and blend. Add the flour and spice mixture until all blended, and then add in cranberries.
4. Pour into a well-greased loaf pan (9 x 5 x 3).
5. Bake for about 43 to 45 minutes, but test with a toothpick about 5 minutes before time is up.
I always double my persimmon bread recipes! I sent the other one over to my neighbor’s and my husband told me they loved it!
This recipe is mine but if you would like to check out any recipes from Lindley Mills click here!
I wish you all a beautiful week! Until next time….
PS: No affiliate links here…this is just an awesome product and I think have great stuff going on!
This flour sounds good ~ I too suffer from bloat and it is driving this mid-century woman crazy! arg….! I saved your recipe to my Yummy board over on Pinterest and will try it soon. An old boyfriend’s mother used to make persimmon cookies that were just scrumptious! I bet I could adapt your recipe to make some…
Getting excited to do some baking,
Barb it’s really delish! I hope you enjoy…….yes I hate what I call the flour/gluten bloat but I did not have it with this flour
Barb another thing that I do is rotate my flours so one time I may use the Lindley flour, another time maybe the Jovial, and sometimes I just use almond and coconut flour…..overall I only use flour in moderation…but I hope you love this recipe because I absolutely love it! Thanks for stopping in