We are so excited to share that we are thrilled with our new blog re-design. This came after much hemming, hawing, reflecting, and most of all talking about it over the last eighteen months and I realized I just needed to take the plunge. I had heard about a blog designer in my blogging circles and heard that she was an up and coming web developer, had a great reputation, and was fast and oh boy I was not disappointed. The really cool thing was that I had spent a lot of time thinking about what I wanted so when the time came it all happened and we covered the re-design so fast and with my new designer/developer and a good IT friend who handled pushing up the test site and assisting with some of my hosting details and well we were in business.

Enters my life Alyssa from Ad Programming and well our first order of business was our first conference call. Let me tell you not only was she fast…she was lightning fast and she helped me sift through some tough decisions. Well for me they were tough.
She took my wish list and me saying, “I like this font, oh and love this blog, could you please do these colors, oh and could I have that pop up thing but I don’t want it to linger too long. She has that intuitive connection to really understand what I was looking for but also know that I might have better luck with a theme that might be easier for me to work in. She comes from a blogging family and gets that I want to spend my time focused on the content. So nice to not have to explain how attached us bloggers get to our domains….it’s like my virtual home and I hope it’s a home that all of you enjoy visiting! So this is why I know that the changes might not be completely positive to all of you but note I thought about all of you when I made them.
I am a webmaster at work and so I spend a lot of my life working on content and I know how important it is for all of you to find what you are looking for. I have been in the IT and Public Relations field for the last 15 years and even I know to go to an expert in their field when you need help navigating those tough decisions. I plan on making some slight future changes and you can be sure I will be calling on her again. If you are thinking about one I highly recommend her. Click here to contact her about a design or re-design you be glad you did.
If you haven’t been to the blog in a while and you are surprised by all the changes let me tell you I had a few goals and I want to share it with all of you so you know why I dove in before even testing the water temperature.
- First of all I wanted our blog to be responsive and work correctly on all technology meaning phones, tablets, and desk top computers.
- Second of all I wanted all of you to quickly get to any content you are interested in so the site loads very quickly now.
- Thirdly I wanted the blog to be all about content and content that is relative topically to your homesteading needs.
- Lastly, you may see a few more ads but I really need this blog to able to support itself.
- I created the new logo design to represent the color of terra cotta for the earth and the teal represents the ocean. As you know we spend a lot of time in our garden on our lil’ homestead and you may not know but we live 2.9 miles from the ocean as the crow flies. The vintage kitchen tools with the sprig of greenery represent our love for food, homemade goodies, and growing food.
- All choices in this re-design have been thought out in great detail and are intentional.
If there is a feature that is not working for you for some reason please email me at lilsuburbanhomestead@gmail.com and of course I would also love to know what you like best or you can comment on this post and let me know what you think. I love hearing from all of you!
I also did have the other benefit of a good friend of mine that is an IT guru so he was like, “Hey I’ll back your site up and set the test site up” and I took him up on it but Alyssa would have actually done all of that for me. Not only did I get a new blog design but I had peace of mind. I never once worried and knew I was in capable hands.
I hope you all like it! You all are the reason we keep this blog up and continue to share our journey.