Basically a place to hold on to my thoughts and musings.
Tomorrow is Valentines Day and some folks are glad for it, others think its too commercial, and well I think it’s a day
If you had not noticed I had not posted for quite a while. I am so excited that 16 months worth of planning
I have decided to end my monthly “The Ole Saturday Homesteading Trading Post’s” blog hop I have enjoyed doing them tremendously and I
You knew it was coming the healthy breakfast and lunch menu posts I mentioned and here is the breakfast post! In order for
Our featured blog this month is Nancy at Prudent Living. She makes some of the most beautiful recipes and she has her own
How many times are you at work and you don’t have a healthy lunch? How many times do you get home from
This is the place to link up all of those fabulous Pinterest ideas, money-saving blogs, sewing, cooking, home organization, homework help, anything you can
I love hosting The Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post blog hop however there are only so many hours in the day and I
If you don’t know this about me yet when it comes to my kids I am a huge fan…..and even though I was
Decisions….Decisions…..each week we have been having some fantastic blog articles link up to “The Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post” and this week has