Food Prices Are Climbing – What’s a consumer to do? October 2, 2011November 17, 2017KarenLynn 23 I just read this article in the NY Times today that just made me exclaim I won’t say exactly what I exclaimed I
The Thrifty Abundant Homestead – Is that possible? September 21, 2011November 17, 2017KarenLynn 8 I know we are not nearly as prepared as we would like to be. Sure the pantry is full and so is the
Tip #1-3 On Preparing For an Emergency…It’s not if…It’s When… September 17, 2011November 17, 2017KarenLynn 4 It’s Hurricane Season here at the coast so for that reason alone everyone should have a decent supply of water put aside, flash
Safe Wishes For Everyone with Hurricane Irene on its way…. August 26, 2011November 17, 2017KarenLynn 4 Prepared For Hurricane Irene I could not write a post without mentioning the hurricane that is on its way towards us at