To Wash or Not Wash Chicken Eggs March 13, 2011November 17, 2017KarenLynn 3 To Wash or Not Wash Chicken Eggs A lot of people do not know that when a chicken lays an egg it
We will be getting our honey bees in May! March 8, 2011November 17, 2017KarenLynn 1 My husband and I have finally made one of the biggest commitments of our life…..well its not like marriage or having children
I am so impatient to start getting the garden in…. February 6, 2011November 17, 2017KarenLynn Comment I am so impatient about getting my garden in. This week I have already planted nasturtiums and violas. The nasturtiums are already
Update on Flying The Coop September 26, 2010November 17, 2017KarenLynn 1 Well we finally figured out where Hazel went. The chickens were experimenting on going back and forth through our fence to our neighbor’s
Fall is still a time of new beginnings. September 25, 2010November 17, 2017KarenLynn Comment I love the end of summer right before fall even though my garden is not at its most beautiful. It is the time
Flowers are food for the soul….. September 23, 2010November 17, 2017KarenLynn Comment “It was just soaking up the suns rays!”
Flying The Coop August 29, 2010November 17, 2017KarenLynn Comment “so we won’t have one fly the coop again!”
Peaches and Pesto August 11, 2010November 17, 2017KarenLynn Comment Peaches and Pesto I absolutely love basil and peaches don’t you? I have some basil I need to put up tomorrow and I
Welcome to our Lil’ Suburban Homestead August 10, 2010November 17, 2017KarenLynn Comment Welcome to our Lil’ Suburban Homestead! Our journey begins here… Our family is passionate about sustainable living, and living closely with the earth.