Our First Garlic Harvest June 22, 2016June 6, 2021KarenLynn 3 Our First Garlic Harvest Our garlic dreams came true! I am so excited to share with all of you that we finally had success
From Chicks To Chickens – All Grown Up or Almost! June 19, 2016November 17, 2017KarenLynn 5 From Chicks To Chickens – All Grown Up or Almost! Happy Sunday Ya’ll and I wish all you Dad’s and Grandfathers an amazing
Why I Love Purina’s Organic Poultry Feed May 29, 2016November 17, 2017KarenLynn 4 Why I Love Purina’s Organic Poultry Feed Happy Sunday Ya’ll! I must confess I’m a skeptic about “organic” anything but recently I have
What The Flock? Meet The New Gals! May 15, 2016November 17, 2017KarenLynn 5 What The Flock? Meet The New Gals! Happy Sunday Ya’ll! The one thing that is constant in life is change and our chicken
We Are Back In The Bees! May 1, 2016November 17, 2017KarenLynn 6 We Are Back In The Bees! Woohoo buddy we are back in the bees and I cannot contain my excitement! Not having bees
Local Focal Farm Feature: Lizzy Lou’s Farm April 17, 2016November 17, 2017KarenLynn 3 Local Focal Farm Feature: Lizzy Lou’s Farm I want people to know that we are a sustainable healthy farm. We
We Don’t Just Grow Vegetables & Spring Musings March 27, 2016November 17, 2017KarenLynn 6 We Don’t Just Grow Vegetables & Spring Musings Just a note: All of these flowers photographed are flowers that are on our Lil’
You Can Cook A Whole Turkey In A Sun Oven? Yes You Can! March 22, 2016November 17, 2017KarenLynn 2 You Can Cook A Whole Turkey In A Sun Oven? Yes You Can! Recently I had the good fortune to have Paul Munsen
Planting Red Lasoda Potatoes March 20, 2016November 17, 2017KarenLynn 8 Planting Red Lasoda Potatoes Have I mentioned my addiction to potatoes lately? I planted 90 potato starts of the Red Lasoda potatoes this
Sun Oven – Free Essentials Cooking Class Coming Soon! February 29, 2016November 17, 2017KarenLynn 6 Sun Oven – Essentials Cooking Class Coming Soon! Woohoo! I get to hang out with all of you and offer a free sun