How old is too old? May 21, 2012KarenLynn 13 You know by most people’s standards regarding groceries the moment an apple gets soft the average person just chucks it in the trash.
A Late Winter Walk In the Garden February 20, 2012November 17, 2017KarenLynn 8 The other day I took a walk in our garden. This first picture is how we are mounding up our potatoes this year
A Fall Peek at Our Garden & Julie’s Favorite Cabbage Recipe October 26, 2011November 17, 2017KarenLynn 10 I love just about everything about fall but one of my favorite things is to watch our garden to continue to thrive in
Yurt Kidding….You Stayed in a Yurt for Your Anniversary? You Betcha’! October 25, 2011November 17, 2017KarenLynn 1 My husband and I go to Asheville, NC every fall to celebrate our Wedding Anniversary this year we celebrated 22 years. We started