I am hostessing the “From The Farm Blog Hop” This Week! December 6, 2013November 17, 2017KarenLynn Comment Hi everyone! I was so excited when I was asked to host the “From The Farm” Blog Hop here at Lil’ Suburban Homestead!
Karen Lynn’s No-Sew Fleece Blankie With Fancy Ties! November 14, 2013November 17, 2017KarenLynn 6 I found a new holiday project this year……some of you might think the no-sew fleece blankies have been around forever and they have…
Christmas Morning Scones December 28, 2012November 17, 2017KarenLynn 3 I absolutely love scones…..I love how heavy, creamy and how they crumble just so if they are made correctly and they are certainly
The Most Egg’citing Time Of Year! December 20, 2012November 17, 2017KarenLynn 9 Our gals have been enjoying our balmy December weather this month giving us approximately six eggs a day sometimes even more. They have
Chex Mix A Holiday Tradition December 9, 2012November 17, 2017KarenLynn 7 I love Chex mix but not the Chex mix that is already made that you buy in a bag in the store but
Too Many Pine cones In Your Yard? Make a DIY Pine Cone Wreath! November 30, 2012November 17, 2017KarenLynn 14 Are you up for a festive frugal holiday craft? I am not typically a crafty person myself as a matter of fact I
4th of July Reflections July 8, 2012November 17, 2017KarenLynn 4 This year we celebrated the 4th of July with family so we hosted the event at our house. We started dinner off with
The Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post No. 11 & Our Valentines Day Tradition February 11, 2012November 17, 2017KarenLynn 10 It’s time for the Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post again…..and I thought I would share with all of you some of my musings
Decorate Your Life With Ornaments December 26, 2011KarenLynn 4 I love Christmas ornaments and this year I decided to try my hand at making a few. I was intrigued by some ornaments
Lil’ Joys Around Our Lil’ Suburban Homestead & Link Up To The Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post December 3, 2011KarenLynn Comment Yesterday was Friday so I was in a good mood I always look forward to the weekend. Especially when I have so much