Guest Post: 3 Tips To Start Prepping Your Garden Now For Spring by Mike The Gardener September 21, 2014November 17, 2017KarenLynn 1 3 Tips to Start Prepping Your Garden Now for the Spring The fall is a wonderful time of the year. The temperatures are
So You Wanna’ Be A Homesteader? Advice & Inspiration From The Experts July 3, 2014November 17, 2017KarenLynn 28 Homesteading is not for the faint of heart whether you are an “Urban Farmer”, a “Suburban Homesteader” like me, on “Some Acreage” or completely
Prepping Talks & The Winner of Jake & Miller’s Big Adventure June 10, 2014November 17, 2017KarenLynn 4 Hi everyone! I thought this was as good as time as any to discuss some of our preparations around our Lil’ Suburban Homestead
Are You A Prepper Barterer? The Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post Ed. No. 42 (It’s A Blog Hop & A Giveaway) March 15, 2013November 17, 2017KarenLynn 17 Everyone that links up this week will be entered in the giveaway this week. If you don’t have a blog you can leave
The Ole Saturday Homesteading Trading Post Ed. No. 41 March 8, 2013November 17, 2017KarenLynn 18 I can’t believe it is Friday once again and oh man what a long week it has been. I have barely gotten a
The Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post Ed. No. 40 March 1, 2013November 17, 2017KarenLynn 11 It’s Friday evening once again everyone and time for the Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post but this Friday I am so excited to
What’s lurking in your fridge? August 1, 2012November 17, 2017KarenLynn 5 Let’s face it all those commercials we grew up with about the germs dancing in our fridge are true albeit animated so today
How old is too old? May 21, 2012KarenLynn 13 You know by most people’s standards regarding groceries the moment an apple gets soft the average person just chucks it in the trash.
Stop Looking For Fast Food and Start Looking For Long Food March 12, 2012November 17, 2017KarenLynn 32 Yes you heard me right….stop looking for fast food and start looking for “Long Food” foods with long-term storage potential. We always
The Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post No. 14 and Jerusalem Artichokes Another Way To Prep In The Garden March 2, 2012November 17, 2017KarenLynn 18 Today we finally harvested our Jerusalem Artichoke Crop what an exciting day for us but me in particular I have always wanted to