Oh How I love My Chickens January 16, 2012November 17, 2017KarenLynn 7 Saturday I just enjoyed some time outside it was beautiful and just taking some pictures of my chickens….they never cease to entertain me…..
The New Gals Are Laying And The Old Gals are Moulting November 10, 2011November 17, 2017KarenLynn 1 Our new gals are laying beautiful green and brown eggs! It is nice to be back in eggs again consistently and amazing the
Merging The Capulets & The Montagues (Our Chicken Flocks) – Take 2 November 2, 2011November 17, 2017KarenLynn 6 Okay the last time we merged them things didn’t go so well so on some of the online forums and some books I
The Capulets & The Montagues Merging – 2 Flocks of Chickens……will it ever work out? The Saga continues…. November 1, 2011November 17, 2017KarenLynn 1 Tomorrow I am posting video of merging the 2 flocks The Capulets & The Montagues. Will it ever work out between my 2
Raising Chickens Are Worth The Egg’stra Trouble! September 19, 2011November 17, 2017KarenLynn 6 I can see why a lot of people do not want to raise chickens but if you have always wanted to and are